Let voicemail pick up your Skype calls when you can’t, and listen to your messages next time you’re signed in to Skype. All for free.
To activate voicemail
You can activate voicemail manually from your account,
for free. After you’ve activated it, you’ll need to set
up your voicemail preferences. If you buy an unlimited
subscription or an Online
Number, voicemail is activated automatically so you
just need to set up your preferences.
To activate voicemail:
1 |
Sign in to your Skype account.
2 |
Select the Voicemail tab.
3 |
Click Activate my voicemail now.
To set up your voicemail preferences
When you’ve activated voicemail, you can configure your settings to suit your preferences.
1 |
In Skype, click Tools > Options….
2 |
From the left, click Calls > Voicemail.
3 |
Make sure Send unanswered calls to voicemail is checked. This means voicemail is turned on and the default voicemail greeting is set.
4 |
To record your own voicemail greeting, click the Record button and speak into your computer’s microphone.

When you’ve finished recording your message, click the Stop button.

5 |
To listen to your greeting, click the Playback button.

6 |
If you want to revert back to the default greeting, click the Reset button.

7 |
On the same screen, you can also choose when you want to send a call to voicemail.
- After a certain length of time (in seconds).
- When you reject a call.
- When you’re in another call.

8 |
When you’re happy with your voicemail settings, click Save.
To listen to voicemail
There are a couple of ways you can access your voicemail. If someone has recently left you a message, you will see a notification badge in your system tray and on your Recent tab.
1 |
Go to the Recent tab and click the contact's name.
2 |
In the conversation window, click the Play button next to the message.

Alternatively, you can use the menu to access your voicemail.
1 |
Go to View > Voicemail Messages. All of your voicemails are displayed. Messages that you haven’t listened to yet have an orange dot next to them.

2 |
In the list, click the voicemail you wish to play. It is displayed in the conversation window on the right.
3 |
Click the Play button next to the voicemail to play it.
If you can’t hear the message, try turning up the speaker volume on your computer.
After you have listened to a voicemail, it is stored locally on your computer (as a .DAT file in C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/[SkypeName]/voicemail). This means that you won’t be able to listen to it again if you sign in to Skype on a different computer.
To delete a voicemail
After you’ve listened to a voicemail, just click the trash can icon to delete it.

To turn off voicemail
To turn your voicemail off, in Skype go to Tools > Options > Calls > Voicemail and then un-check Send unanswered calls to voicemail.

Having problems with your voicemail? These tips can help.
Learn more about using voicemail on Skype.