If your call is disconnected for any reason, Skype will automatically attempt to reconnect your call.

Skype will attempt to reconnect the call for 60 seconds. If it cannot establish a connection in this time, Skype will end the call.
If Skype cannot reconnect your call, make sure that:
- You still have an internet connection.
- You have the minimum
bandwidth required to make a call.
- You have closed any applications that use the internet (especially those that might be playing music or video) and cancelled any file downloads.
- You are using the latest version
of Skype. If you’re not sure what version of Skype you
are using, it’s easy to find
- If you are calling a landline or mobile, you have enough
Skype Credit or a
subscription to make the
call. Get more
help with calling landlines and mobiles.
If you are making a Skype-to-Skype call, the person you are calling should also make sure of the above.